Art History

What was Romanticism?

If you ever wonder how literature, poetry, music, and art became so popular in the world, you need only look back to the early 19th century. This was when the Age of Romanticism blossomed. This era put a bigger emphasis on creativity and expression. These were all vital elements that Romantics believed in. Romanticism followed […]

Art History, Modern Art

The Fluxus Movement of the 1960s

Throughout history, there have been many art movements that sought to challenge the status quo and defy the traditional conventions of art. Fluxus was one such movement that emerged in the 1960s. Rooted in the Latin word “flux,” meaning flow or change, Fluxus sought to redefine the very essence of what art was. It dismantled

Famous Artists

Who was the Surrealist Painter René Magritte?

What do apples, the female torso, and a bowler hat all have in common? On the surface, there’s nothing to link these three things together. But add one brilliant man–René Magritte–to the mix, and they become surrealist art.  René Magritte is the mastermind behind many now-famous and beloved surrealist works, such as The Lovers and

Art History

Weaving Immersive Stories: The Artistic Tapestry of Hotel Yarn Art

In the world of hospitality, creating a memorable and immersive experience for guests is paramount. Beyond comfortable accommodations and excellent service, hotels are increasingly turning to art to elevate the guest experience. One form of art that has gained popularity in recent years is hotel yarn art. This is a unique and captivating medium that


Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Cave Art

Long before the written word, our ancestors embarked on the earliest forms of ancient cave art. They crafted scenes on cave walls that resonated across millennia. They provide a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of our distant ancestors. Origins of Cave Art Exploring the origins of cave art, it’s evident that not only Homo


A Deeper Look at Japanese Kokeshi Dolls

What kind of doll did you play with as a child? Cabbage Patch Dolls and Barbies have ruled the market for a long time, at least in America. But did you know that dolls have been popular with children throughout the world for centuries?  Dolls of all sorts have been beloved by kids for ages,

Art History, Famous Artists

What Are Michelangelo’s Top 3 Sculptures?

Many famous artists have one magnum opus in their lifetime. Michelangelo just happened to have at least 10 in two artistic forms—sculpting and painting.  Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, one of the greatest artists in the world and of any era, famously painted the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. The artwork has since been declared as one

Art History

Exploring the Mesmerizing World of Tessellation Art

Tessellation stands as a mesmerizing marriage between mathematical precision and artistic expression. It highlights the humanistic use of a field typically relegated to its more scientific uses. Tessellation art is defined by the repetition of geometric shapes to fill a surface with no gaps or overlaps. It captivates viewers with its intricate patterns, symmetrical arrangements,


The History of the Majestic Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Perched majestically at the heart of Moscow’s Red Square, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, or the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat, is undeniable proof of Russian architectural brilliance. Its intricate design, adorned with vibrant, eye-catching colors, gives it a fantastical air. However, this iconic landmark is much more than meets


The Mystical History of the Sword of Goujian

If this sword were used in Forged in Fire, it would cut easily through almost anything put in its way. If it were rated for design, it would still probably win the top prize, even though it’s more than 2,000 years old. It is one of a kind of blade that has so much history

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