Modern Art

Art History, Famous Artists, Modern Art

10 Interesting Facts About Frida Kahlo

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón, or as she is better known, Frida Kahlo, holds the honor of being one of the most influential Mexican artists of all time. Her works, which often displayed Frida herself and her struggles throughout her life, are celebrated as feminist masterpieces. Frida wasn’t just a painter, though. Her life

Art History, Modern Art

The Invention of the Camera Obscura

Light has always fascinated humanity, especially how it can be manipulated to produce illusions and pictures. Long before film or digital cameras, there was a much simpler way to reproduce an image, albeit only with light–the camera obscura. This optical device, which means “dark chamber” in Latin, has been around for centuries, dating back to

Art History, Modern Art

The Fluxus Movement of the 1960s

Throughout history, there have been many art movements that sought to challenge the status quo and defy the traditional conventions of art. Fluxus was one such movement that emerged in the 1960s. Rooted in the Latin word “flux,” meaning flow or change, Fluxus sought to redefine the very essence of what art was. It dismantled

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