In 2013, Lassi Rautiainen, a Finnish photographer, immortalized the two strange companions – a male brown bear and a female grey wolf. For ten days, Rautiainen snapped photos of the two going everywhere together, even going as far as hunting together and sharing their kills.

This “odd couple” stayed together for at least 10 days
A male brown bear and female grey wolf were photographed together for 10 days hanging out, sharing food, and even playing.
Lassi Rautiainen, a Finnish photographer who caught this on film, told the Daily Mail in 2013, “It’s very unusual to see a bear and a wolf getting on like this.”
“No-one can know exactly why or how the young wolf and bear became friends,” Rautianen said. “I think that perhaps they were both alone and they were young and a bit unsure of how to survive alone…it is nice to share rare events in the wild that you would never expect to see.”
Rautiainen’s guess is as good as anyone else’s. Science knows very little about it, and similar cases are sporadic in the wild.
Image Credits: Lassi Rautiainen